Friday, December 30, 2011

dear baby (part 2)

Dear Lola,
You've been mine for two months and I can't believe how fast the time has gone. From the second I knew there was a 'you' I've been loving on you and worrying about you. The day I found out I was going to have you, I ordered decaf coffee at breakfast.

You moved so much in my belly I swore you would be my active baby. But you are so calm and quietly curious. When we have you out and about in the Moby wrap you stick your little head out to look around like you don't want to miss anything. Where your sister is fiery and noisy, you are gentle and soft. You whimper more than you full out cry. You are sensitive and seem more concerned and worried than your sister. Sometimes you just need a good swaddle and a quiet room. You seem to need a little 'alone time' to recharge every once in awhile. 

You are still so tiny and your sweet face is like a little elf. I could stare at you all day long. You have darker skin than your sister, too...still not sure where that came from...and most people who meet you say that you look like me. Your daddy thinks your mouth is just like mine. You lost some of your hair a few weeks ago and we're hoping it might grow back red like your mama.

 You hate bath time but love snuggling. When you do get mad, one little foot stomps like you're throwing a tantrum.When you want your pacifier you really want it but, when you don't, you act like it is gagging you. You're not dramatic AT ALL. 

Your daddy and I can't get enough of you and we thank God every day that He gave you to us. You are so precious and I love you so much it hurts my heart sometimes. I can't wait to watch all the ways you will change in the next few months. I'm so glad I get to be your mom!
Love and kisses,


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

dear baby (part 1)

Dear Charleigh-girl,
You are two months old and I still can't believe I'm lucky enough to be your mommy. I thank God everyday that he gave me you. What would I do without you?! I loved you from the second I knew I might have you. I daydreamed about what you would be like and those dreams don't even begin to compare with everyday, real life with you.

You are already my silly, happy girl. You started really laughing and smiling this week...especially at your daddy. Something about him just tickles you pink and I love that. You are feisty and sweet all wrapped up in one little package. You can be angry as all get out one second and laughing the next. And vice versa. If we're being honest, you can sometimes be downright demanding. Where your sister is calm and serious, you are wild and goofy. I could watch you make faces all day long. We can't figure out exactly who you look like but your Grammy sent a picture of me at your age and it looks an awful lot like you. You are a lot like your Auntie Noney with your faces, though. That girl can't hide what she's thinking or feeling and it seems you can't either. I think I will be telling you to 'Fix your face' just like I tell her. 

You are a messy, noisy eater getting milk all over your face pretty much every time you nurse. You lost almost all your hair a few weeks ago and looked like a balding old man for awhile but thankfully it has started to grow back! And you have a strawberry mark on your head that has gotten bigger and bigger since it first appeared a week or two after you were born. Your dad calls you his little unicorn.  You're bigger than your sister but still smaller than most other babies when they are born. You are strong and wiggly and HATE being swaddled. You think you can stand up and try to walk off all the time. Let's wait on that for a little while, ok? 

Almost escaped from your swaddle...
...because you prefer to sleep like this.
You've changed so much in the last few weeks and I can't wait to see your funny personality come out more and more. You can entertain us for hours. You are so precious to me and I love you more than you could ever know. Your daddy and I are already so proud of you and thankful that God picked us to be your parents!
Love and kisses,

Sunday, December 25, 2011

full of grace

If you had ever told me I would one day wonder how much Jesus weighed when he was born, I would have thought you were crazy. But now I was Mary's delivery? Was it hard or easy? Long? By the book? Complicated? Having these babies has brought out so much of the human-ness of Scripture. So often I read the Bible and think 'Yup, Hannah was barren. Oh and Mary had Jesus in a stable.' But I forget that they were real women with real feelings. And if they're anything like this woman they probably had times where they were downright emotional. How did it feel for Hannah to go month after month with little hope of a pregnancy while her husband's other wife was Fertile Myrtle and mean on top of it? How did Mary feel delivering a baby all by herself without another woman to understand and nurture her through it? In a stable?! And how much did Jesus weigh?!

And to add on to all of this...the fact that Jesus arrived as a baby boggles my mind. Looking at these sweet babes sleeping next to me, they are so helpless. So loved but--really--pitifully helpless. And then I think about Mary and how she handled this craziness with such grace. Did she snap at Joseph and hold it against him that he didn't have a reservation anywhere? Did she whine about the long trip and cold floor? I doubt she did and it convicts me and challenges me. She makes me want to treat others with more grace and live more gracefully.

I may not be as grace-filled as Mary but I do know that I'm definitely treasuring up all these things and pondering them in my heart...just like she did with her baby Jesus.

These girls have made me wonder more but that hasn't made me believe any less. And doesn't wonder have a lot to do with this season? I hope everyone has marveled at the wonder of this miracle today. Merry Christmas from a Mary wannabe.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

come fly with me...

We survived our first flight with the girls. After getting as much advice as possible from every person I could possibly think of who's ever flown with a baby, P-dubs and I embarked on our first journey up north. I was terrified that both girls would be fussy and anxious about their little ears with the pressure change but they did great. People were impressed with our 'bravery' at taking TWO infants. Really, if I had a nickel for every person who said 'oh you're a brave mama' as I walked by I could probably buy two Twix bars right now. And that sounds good.

We definitely got those 'Dear God, please don't let those people be near me on this flight' looks but we got WAY more 'oohs' and 'ahhs' and 'they're precious! Are they identical? Are they both girls?' (Side note... If I were cruel enough to put a BOW on a baby boy's head and dress him like a girl then you should be more concerned about that than how much they weigh or what color I think their eyes will be.) On our first flight the ladies in front of me kept turning around just to stare upon their sweetness. And the people behind Paul kept peeking over the seat. There was one point at the end of the flight when we were waiting to get off the plane where BOTH babies started straight up screaming for about 10 minutes and we were THOSE people times TWO. But we made it to Boston and are excited for the girls to experience the Arctic chill known as NH winters. Can't wait.