Saturday, October 8, 2011


September flew by...seriously...working a longer day, trying to get a nursery together, and going to a million appointments makes time fly. And makes my feet three times their normal size. 

Some things I LOVED about September?

The Mountains
Our yearly trip to the family mountain house for Labor Day...this little cabin holds a special place in my heart because two years ago when we were there this happened: 

Ummm, yes. Yes, I will.

Side note...this is the ONLY picture of the two of us together the night we got engaged. We keep it classy. And we love it that way. Also, I'm not convinced my rings will ever fit again...and I dare not wear them on a chain around my neck because I WOULD lose them. Without a doubt.

This year was almost as monumental because Paul met this little guy and his heart was changed forever.  

We contemplated bringing him home with us...but he wouldn't fit in the car and the thought of two wimpy poodle-ish dogs, an Alaskan malamute, and two babies in one town house nearly stopped my heart. Someday P-dubs will get his manly dog. Someday.  Until then he has Howard...the complete antithesis.
Fantasy Football
Ok...I don't really love, love this one. But P-dubs sure does and he even got my little brother on board this year. Just look at that concentration. The strategizing going on in this dining room rivals that of many an NFL meeting room, I'm sure.

Second Grade
There's just something about the beginning of the school year that makes me downright happy. And I have fallen in love with this class faster than I thought possible. I swore I couldn't like a class as much as my class last year...but these newbies are given those sweet third graders a run for their money.  Here's a few reasons why...

One of my not-so-little-ones has taken it upon himself to be my protector and voice of reason. I call him 'Big Mike' because he reminds me of Michael Oher from The Blindside.  He is determined to make sure 'da babies' are ok. Nothing will happen to them or me on his watch. He carries my chair out to recess, he holds my hand to make sure I don't slip down the hill on the way to the playground, he brings an extra chair to me at the carpet to put my feet up on...(believe me, my cankles are as alarming to my kids as they are to me...) He's just downright sweet.

Big Mike. And, clearly, those are not my ankles in the background. They don't resemble balloons at all.
I happened upon these sweet boys playing three-player-checkers during indoor recess. I'm not entirely sure what the rules were but at one point I heard one of them saying..."No, no, now I push YOU off the board." I think the concept of checkers was completely lost on them. But I kind of love that they made up their own game. 
 And, of course, they say the funniest things that just make my heart happy....

While describing coins in math class, one little boy said...
'Mrs. Minor! I know this one has John KFC on it!'
 Oh, you mean John F. Kennedy? 
 Well...that's George Washington...

One of Warner's little girls came up to me at recess to tell me why it was a good thing that Miss Warner wasn't married yet...
"Because then you no go out with your friends. And you no leave the house. And your husband says...stay in the kitchen and cook me dinner!"
Wise words...from the mouth of babes...
Pumpkin Spice Lattes
I could drink these all day. And eat pumpkin chocolate chip cookies with them.

 Can't wait for all the fall-ness that October will bring!

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