Friday, January 20, 2012

moose hats?!!

Nothing makes your Friday better than getting surprise moose hats in the mail. {Never would have imagined that would make my Friday. Just goes to show ya what my life is like now. LUH-ove it.}

Thanks, Eva. We love you and think you should come visit soon!!


  1. looove the hats - especially MOOSE hats, even though the Moose I love best is a dog... also lovin the pics... did you get a new camera for Christmas?

    1. I've had the camera for yeeears but just got a new lens. LOVE it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ha! Funny you should comment too :) When I first read it I thought, "I wonder if they're from Erica?"... 1) because of Moose, and 2) you're just so darn talented in making cute things! I've been having a creative craving lately so I just bought my first pair of knitting needles :) We'll see how that goes!
