Friday, January 27, 2012

things i've loved about this week

These girls are sleeping like champs. Last night they did 6 hours and then 4. I can handle that. Only, after the four a.m. feeding I couldn't fall back asleep. My body was like 'Whoa. I feel like a million bucks. Let's get up and get things done.' Apparently, it has forgotten what it's like to get more than 3 hours of sleep at a time.
 coffee dates:
Warner had a work day and a hair appointment. I love when she has hair appointments because it means she'll be up my way. And because she had a work day she got out of school early. Hours at Starbucks on a rainy day with your best friend and baby girls? Yes, please.
 friends in general

 friends who bring scrumptious food in particular:
A wonderful friend brought by dinner for our little family and it was  just so great. Great to see her, great to eat her delicious food. She also brought her handsome baby boy. And he was wearing tiny, little baby TOMS. I die. Which leads me to...
 baby TOMS:
I meant to get a picture of Adler with the girls but he is a mover and shaker and also I completely forgot. His little TOMS were so stinking cute. The girls saw his TOMS and now they want some, too. Plus, they would like to match their dad. Interestingly enough, TOMS (at the ripe old age of 7 months) also double as teethers. I think it's worth the investment.
 Regis & Kelly:
Well, I guess it's just Kelly right now.  {Miss Regis a lot.} I used to LOVE teacher workdays (which, by the way, I considered a 'day off' ha!) because while I was working in my room I would have Regis and Kelly on in the background. Now I can have it on everyday in the background. Today, Kelly was talking about how she spends too much on coffee mostly because, while she could brew her own at home, she loves the 'pageantry' of it all...the cup with the sleeve and everything. I feel like we would be friends because that's exactly how I feel. Life's just grand with a Starbucks cup in your hand.

 quiet moments:
The girls don't really nap on the same schedule yet. I kind of like this because I get alone time with each of them. But it leaves me with almost zero time for anything else. When they are somehow miraculously overlapping in their sleep, I get to have a few moments to think, read, and pray. Fuel for the rest of the day.
 two babes and one hunk:
Seriously. Couldn't love them more.
Oh, and Howard. Of course.

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