Thursday, March 15, 2012

almond butter

Man cannot live on bread alone...but how about on almond butter? Because that's pretty much all I've eaten today. Almond butter on toast, on crackers, on apples, on bananas, by the spoonful, on chocolate. {What?! Shamefully, yes, thats true.} Pretty much the only thing I didn't eat it on today was a black bean burger (cause that would be gross, right?) and on cantaloupe (because I was at an alumni thing at Amelie's and didn't have my almond butter with me. By the way, in case you're wondering, Charlotte has an impressive amount of Taylor alumns. Which I love.) 

So you need to stop reading this right now and run out and get your sweet self some maple syrup, molasses, and almonds and get busy making the best almond butter you'll ever have. I promise- making nut butter is easier than you probably imagine. {Hello. If I can do it, anyone can.} And it's more cost efficient than buying a jar at the store. {At least I think it is if you get the almonds in bulk at some place like BJ's, Costco, or Aldi's.) Go here (remember her from my post about oatmeal?) for the recipe for pumpkin spiced almond butter and love your life. Or come by and hold a baby and I'll give you some. Even better.
You can tell Sweet C is mine for sure because she can camouflage with the white door. 'Atta girl. Just like your mom.

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