Friday, April 6, 2012

things i failed at this week

1. Grocery shopping: I like that I can grocery shop mid-day when it's not too busy and the spectacle of two babies doesn't cause too much ruckus. Well, this week is spring break. Apparently, when it's spring break, everyone goes grocery shopping. I didn't get that memo or I would have stayed home and eaten peanut butter with rice cakes and frozen burritos for the rest of the week. {P-dubs gets tired of a meal after one time so I can't imagine that poor boy on a whole week of Amy's Organic Burritos.} 
A few things about this spring break shopping frenzy: A. Grocery shopping does not sound like a fun spring break activity for the kids. Or any adult for that matter. And...B. Did every parent in the district get spring break,too?! I didn't get that memo either. Because P-dubs definitely still went to work every single day. Anyways. Usually, I wear one baby and put the other in the cart in her seat. But both of them were sound asleep and I didn't want to wake one of them to Moby her. So I pushed the stroller and pulled the cart. Bad idea. Way more of a spectacle. Most people were really understanding. And I was actually {surprisingly} really graceful doing both things. My husband will never believe this. But there were a few men shopping who kind of gave me looks. {Who are these men and where did they come from and is there a class where I can send my husband to learn these skills?} I refused to feel bad. I wanted to say, 'You try shopping while trying to keep two babies quiet and get everything on the list all in the hour and a half time window until two little creatures are expecting to be fed. By You. And only you. No matter what.' Sorry, I'm not sorry. But I got my shopping done for the next two weeks. So really this fail is not so much a fail as a fiasco.

2. Being late to Bible Study: Well, really I was mostly on time. BUT the girls were still in their pajamas. When we met their dad later for lunch he kindly mentioned NOTHING about this fact. Although he did notice Sweet C's ears were dirty. Try as I might, I just can't seem to keep them sparkling. That girl's got some waxy ears

3. A walk in the park...without a stroller: I was supposed to meet Amy and her twins for a walk on the greenway. I pulled in and popped the trunk. No stroller. But, as a mom of any baby {multiples or not}, you know if you bothered to pack them up and get them out of the house, you forge ahead at all costs. Thankfully, Amy is up for anything and wore one baby while I wore the other. We took turns pushing her double stroller as we passed terrified-looking college students who I'm sure were encouraged to embrace abstinence by the mere sight of us.

4. Walk numero dos...80 million degrees:The next day I met my friend Kelly to walk with her and her little boy. I had the stroller but, goodness gracious, was it hot. {Is this really April?! I am scared of what July may feel like...} At the beginning of our walk the path diverged in the wood and we should have taken the road less traveled. But it went straight up a hill. And I was lazy and the other path just looked so easy and calm and shaded. And a little downhill.  On the way back a half an hour later our chosen path did not seem so wise. Because what was downhill was uphill. {Duh. I know.} And Logan would NOT be contained in her seat anymore and, thus, I was carrying her and pushing the double stroller with one hand up a hill. While sweating. A lot. I need to start working out. Robert Frost would not have been thrilled with my decision. But I've learned my lesson. Go the hard way first and the way back is much easier. 

5. The opposite of fail--a Hunger Games ring tone {which is still kind of a fail because I'm lame like that}: My sister put the ring tone on my phone this morning because I don't know how to do fancy things like that. Now I can get goosebumps every single time someone texts me instead of just at the end of a Hunger Games trailer that comes on TV. P-dubs hasn't heard this happen yet but I can only imagine what he will think of it. He married one cool little lady. {Who, by the way, most certainly did NOT just watch the Justin Beiber movie with her sister. Another fail? Oh yes. But that's my life and I love it.}

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