Friday, October 24, 2014


'A portrait of our girls once a week, every week, in 2014.'
Drew-bee: Snuggles with her Gigi. Gigi is basically one of her favorite people. This says a lot about the general state of sunshine Drew lives in. (Gigi is a little, ahem, cantankerous in her old age. But Drew tends to bring out the best in people and pull smiles out of faces that rarely show emotion.) On this particular day, we brought Gigi down to the Billy Graham Museum. It's always an adventure to bring three under three with their stroller and snacks and one over 90 with her wheelchair and huge purse that literally only contains a pen, her handicapped parking pass, and her glasses case. Sometimes without the glasses. But it was definitely worth it. 

CG and Lola: Flashback. We were moving everything from the nursery closet to their big-girl closet when CG came across the twin Brestfriend. She said something about how that was how she ate when she was little and I was kind of taken aback. Because could she actually remember that?! I've never nursed Drew with a pillow or boppy so I'm not sure how she connected the two...These two are so silly. They thought this was hilarious. 

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