Monday, October 27, 2014


'A portrait of our girls once a week, every week, in 2014.'
Lola: Our tiny nurturer. She is constantly checking on Drew, feeding Drew, trying to carry Drew. If Drew ever gets fussy in the car, Lo is quick to tell her,
 'It's ok Drew-bee. I right here.' 
Drew: She's just glad there's someone she can convince to feed her extra after a meal, before a meal, in between meals... 

Charleigh Grace: For being so rough and tumble sometimes, she can also be the gentlest, sweetest two-year-old. Her cousins got a puppy and she is in love. 

And this. Just because I love witnessing these moments as I do the dishes or vacuum or fold laundry.  I pray every day for their sisterhood, their friendship, as it grows and grows every day. 


'A portrait of our girls once a week, every week, in 2014.'
Drew: Poor thing wants to crawl so badly. But she just can't quite figure it out. Her little legs give way and she ends up like a tiny red-headed frog. Or one leg gets stuck underneath her and she can't move at all. I'm okay with this for now. She stays in the general area I leave her while I keep tabs on her slightly wild sisters. This won't last for long. I know. 

CG and Lo: This was another week where they were inseparable and I never got a picture of them alone. Smiles are still hit or miss with the two of them. Some days they smile  real smiles on command; other days it's all weird lips and awkward eyes. Pretty awesome and hilarious, if we're being honest. 

Friday, October 24, 2014


'A portrait of our girls once a week, every week, in 2014.'
Lolly: This is literally the only picture I had of her this week. But it really is something I always want to remember about her. How she falls asleep best surrounded by as many friends and books as she can scramble to grab on her way to nap.
Charleigh: Child can eat her weight in fruit. Or vegetables. Or pasta. Or yogurt pops. Basically, she eats all the time. All three of them eat all the time. I am ever in preparation of the next snack. 

Drew: Starting to make her voice heard. She babbles and laughs and lets us know that she's here and she would like a snack too, please. 


'A portrait of our girls once a week, every week, in 2014.'
Drew-bee: Snuggles with her Gigi. Gigi is basically one of her favorite people. This says a lot about the general state of sunshine Drew lives in. (Gigi is a little, ahem, cantankerous in her old age. But Drew tends to bring out the best in people and pull smiles out of faces that rarely show emotion.) On this particular day, we brought Gigi down to the Billy Graham Museum. It's always an adventure to bring three under three with their stroller and snacks and one over 90 with her wheelchair and huge purse that literally only contains a pen, her handicapped parking pass, and her glasses case. Sometimes without the glasses. But it was definitely worth it. 

CG and Lola: Flashback. We were moving everything from the nursery closet to their big-girl closet when CG came across the twin Brestfriend. She said something about how that was how she ate when she was little and I was kind of taken aback. Because could she actually remember that?! I've never nursed Drew with a pillow or boppy so I'm not sure how she connected the two...These two are so silly. They thought this was hilarious. 


'A portrait of our girls once a week, every week, in 2014.'

Charleigh Grace

Logan Addison
Baby Drew

Our vacation to Tybee Island. Full of family, sand, carriage rides, flowers, and baby snuggles. CG had an unfortunate incident with some sand/chafing which led to cotton shorts with her bathing suit top and a waddle much like a rancher who'd been riding a horse all day. While Charleigh splashed in the waves and built sand castles with her cousins, Lo was much more interested in the flowers growing on the beach. And Drew traveled like a champ, loved the pool, and was basically just her sweet self. Winning hearts up and down the coast.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


'A portrait of our girls once a week, every week, in 2014.'
Charleigh: If she can get dirty, wet, or any combination of the two, CG is all about it. I'm pretty sure the worm she's holding here was dead by this point. Or it was playing dead. Hoping the tiny explorer who found him would stop squeezing him. We're still working on being gentle. 

Lo: Speaking of gentle. If there's a baby doll to be fed, changed, or quietly shushed to sleep...she's your girl. A baby doll whisperer. 
Drew-bee: Love and light and rainbows and puppies and sugar and spice and summer nights. She is just everything. 

*Disclaimer: Both of the girls love to get dirty and both love to be little mommas to any creature willing to tolerate their care. It just so happens these are the places I found them this week. Don't put us in a box, mom. Just don't. 


'A portrait of our girls once a week, every week, in 2014.'
Drew-bee: Clapping and waving and growing teeth. She loves bath time with all her heart. 
CG: Our little dare-devil. She's up for anything.

Lolly: It takes a lot to rock two-day-old french braids like this. But if anyone can, it's this girl. 


'A portrait of our girls once a week, every week, in 2014.'
Charleigh Grace: Silliness and sunshine. She was pretending to be a baby, all swaddled and ready to sleep, but it was just too funny. 
Logan Addison: Girl loves her 'dip.' Salsa, guacamole, Chic-fil-a sauce...I almost always have to remind her to actually dip her chips/chicken/crackers. Dip is not meant to be eaten alone. She doesn't agree. 

Drew McLean: Still mostly an observer. She watches everyone and everything--takes it in with thoughtful eyes and quiet smiles. But I can see the itch to move and join in just below the surface. It won't be long until she is in the middle of it all. 


'A portrait of our girls once week, every week in 2014.'
Drew: Happy to eat anything she can reach or convince her sisters to share. 

Lo: Dress-up hat and a pile of wipes. Fashion at its finest.

CG: Nap hair and a good book. Life is good.