Thursday, February 13, 2014

thursday things

1. A couple weeks ago, I was afraid sick little Logan missed out on any bit of real winter we'd see this year. But, no, we got a real, honest-to-goodness snowstorm that lasted almost a full two days. None of that half-an-inch-that melts-in-an-hour nonsense. We took about a bazillion pictures. So get ready for that goodness.

2. Speaking of a bazillion pictures. My only goal this year is to organize all of our photos in one place, in some semblance of order. I don't even want to think about it because just thinking about thinking about it overwhelms me. So. I'll let you know how that goes.

3. We've been working on our Christmas thank you's around here. Yes. I realize that we're really late on this but I'm a firm believer in written thank you's. And it takes a long time to get these girls to color or paint anything. They're either way too particular or very easily distracted. This doesn't bode well for speedy production. My sister designed these little thank you's. Too cute, yeah?

4. Last weekend I headed to the biannual moms of multiples consignment sale. Now that I'm a consignment veteran it's not nearly as intimidating. {Just kidding. It's still terrifying. Those moms don't play.} Fun fact from this one: I hung out with the doctor I labored with all night during Drew's birth. She was pregnant with boy/girl twins at the same time I was pregnant with the girls. We chatted while we were in line at the beginning and while we sorted our stuff at the end.  At one point, as we both sat on the floor deciding if $1.50 was too much to pay for a pair of pajamas, she apologized for brushing up against my foot and I wanted to say, ''re going to apologize for invading my personal space now?!'  Ha. I love her. 

5. The outfits around here just keep getting better and better.

6. And a picture of Logan because I included a picture of Charleigh. And I just love her concentration. Doll tucked under one arm, train in the other.

7. And one of Drew-bee because I'm an equal opportunity photo sharer. 

Happy snow day to all you southerners out there and warm wishes to all you northerners who can't believe we're this excited about it! 

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