Wednesday, March 26, 2014


'A portrait of my girls once a week, every week, in 2014.'
Lola: Little explorer. She's still just so tiny. So much a baby in many ways. But you'd never know by the way she tries to sweep the kitchen or build her train track or discover new places to play. Her 18-24 month leggings may still slide right down while she's playing, but that tiny one is fierce. I promise. 
CG: My constant kitchen companion. If I'm cooking she's usually right there on the counter ready to stir or mash or pour. Sometimes she's a little too helpful and I'm a little too frustrated by it. But most days I just love to have her right there. To dip the lime in the guac and lick it off. {Don't worry though, if you come for dinner, I'll make sure she doesn't do this. Promise.} 

Drew: Doll baby. In between naps, she's now smiling and grabbing anything around to chew on. Every once in awhile we get a good laugh. Her eyes get big when she hears her sisters coming--a mix of sheer terror at the thought of the not-so-gentle kisses she's about to get and pure adoration of those big girls that love her so well. 

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