Wednesday, March 26, 2014


'A portrait of our daughters once a week, every week, in 2014.'
Sometimes life's just going along swimmingly and then all of a sudden you have two toddlers throwing up in their car seats as you drive to an appointment. Nobody wants pictures of that week. {Actually, I did take pictures but they were mostly of two sweet babies on a couch sleeping off a terrible bug. Which I've posted before. And, can I just say, cleaning puke out of the tiny crevices of car seat buckles makes you feel like a real, legit mom. Such a mom. Also, I'd like to give a special thanks to my mom for doing things like that for me growing up. I now have a different appreciation for her.}

I feel like so often I have things I want to get done. Not even big things like organize my entire kitchen/house/photos/life. Just little things like take one picture of each baby for the week. And by the time last week was over and I came up for air, I realized I couldn't even do that. In the shuffle of so much laundry (SO much) and cuddles and cleaning and sanitizing and getting everyone healthy,  I didn't even get my camera out. Exhausted was an understatement for the week. 

I'm reading Desperate by Sarah Mae with a group of wonderful moms and last week these words spoke life and gave hope right when I needed them.   
But even in the midst of the tiredness, I can look at my children and see that they are loved, well taken care of, secure, happy, healthy children. They didn't suffer as terribly as I assumed they would because there were days when Mama barely did more than kiss and feed them. And those kisses and that food, it was enough. 
So that was last week in a nutshell. A bit of a wash by most peoples' standards. But not to these three that I get to kiss and feed and love. 

And this week? We've been kicking butt a bit. All three dressed and ready with a breakfast casserole for Bible study on a Monday morning? Who are we?! Honestly, we're not quite sure and we're definitely not entirely implying such butt-kicking will continue. But the kisses and cooking will. And that truly is enough. {Oh, that and Veggie-tales and the Frozen soundtrack on repeat.}

1 comment:

  1. I love that quote, so fitting for life with small kids! :)
