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Thursday, February 6, 2014

thursday things

So I haven't done one of these in forever. But life these days is more often than not random thoughts and lists. So here's a bit of what's been going on here. 

1. Please, please make this broccoli for your husband/child/mother/aunt/best friend/boyfriend/sister/neighbor/boss/self. The first time Paul ate it he skeptically looked up and said, 'Why is this broccoli so good?' It just is, pal. The girls eat this stuff up while saying, 'Broki is deeeee ish us.' {Tip: I found that it was way too salty when I made it the first time. I use a quarter of what the recipe calls for.}  

2. This little miss slept almost 8 hours last night. Eight.

It probably won't happen again for a long time and I won't mention it again. {Because while I'm grateful she's a good sleeper, I remember when CG was almost a year old and was still getting up every hour and a half to two hours AND not napping during the day. And I also remember how anytime anyone bragged about their good sleeper or dared to complain where I could see such complaint that their four-hour-napper only napped three (oh the travesty!), my zombie self just wanted to slap them. Just punch them. Oh, sleep deprivation.}

3. I started a new blog thing (I would say blog series but that sounds like I'm a legit blogger, and let's be real I only blog so I'll remember at least something about this sweet little life and it won't have all been lost in the fog that is sleep deprivation. See above. Legit I am not.) Anyways, I saw this idea to share weekly portraits of your children on a random Instagram of a blogger I don't follow and can't remember who it was. I was going to try to find out before I published these so I could link back/give credit but, if I waited for myself to do that, it would never happen and these posts would sit in my drafts until the end of time. But I love this idea. And since I'm terrible at blogging regularly it will at least guarantee I do it once a week. If anyone knows who started this little series, let me know. And since there's honestly nothing new under the sun (or on the internet ), there might be a few people who started something like this.
{1/52     2/52      3/52      4/52     5/52}

4. When I became a mom I didn't realize I'd be getting such rad help in the kitchen.

5. It's true what they say, mom's don't get sick days. But, if your (also sick) kids are willing to watch Tangled two times in one day, you kind of do. Tangled for the win.

1 comment:

  1. I love how much you have been posting lately. I love all you girls, and Paul, so much. I can't wait to try the broccoli, and here is the link to the original 52 project.


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