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Friday, April 13, 2012

help a mama out

Lately I've been doing some things I would like to blame on pregnancy brain--like putting the carton of milk in the cupboard or walking all the way upstairs and not knowing what I needed (or even remembering how I got there). But I'm not pregnant. Unless being sleep deprived is the new 'pregnant.'

I was talking to one of my oldest and dearest friends (who's also a super-mom to four boys) yesterday and she assured me this is totally normal and then said, 'Dont worry it'll get better in about 4...years.' As surprised as I am that one can function so well on such little sleep, something's gotta give.

 I won't name any names but a little someone who looks a little like this:
And another little someone who might resemble this:
 ...have still been waking up 3 or 4 times in the night. So multiply that by 2 and I'm up a lot. I really can't complain because the girls are such wonderful, easy babies but I think by now they should be sleeping longer stretches, no? 

There were a few times where they slept around 6 hours before their first nighttime feeding and I thought I must be dreaming. Dreaming about sleep--now that is desperation.  But we haven't seen a stretch like that in quite a few weeks. Maybe I did dream it.

 I'm sure they're not hungry everytime they wake in the night but that's pretty much the only thing that will get them back to sleep. Which isn't so bad since they're still sleeping next to our bed and I can nurse them without everyone waking up all the way. But, eventually, we would like them out of our know, at least by the time they're in high school. {Reasonable goals, people.} They go down on their own just fine and don't fully wake for about 12 hours.They just won't sleep much longer than 3 hours at a time without being fed. So...give me your best advice. I've read a few books parts of books about sleep training but would love to hear how other mamas have accomplished this. Because we love sleep around here. We really do.


  1. I'm not a parent, but I remember thinking this post ( had some good ideas. Good luck!

  2. Hey Devan, not sure if you remember me from the TCCA days (meagan sylvester, now torr). I've been reading your blog since I am facebook friends with your sister and she had a link to it once :) First, your girls are beautiful!!!
    My daughter didn't sleep at night the first few months. she had her days and nights reversed. I am not sure how your girls sleep through the day, but I would always wake my daughter every hour or so to prevent the "deep sleep" at 1pm, when I wanted her to sleep at night :) It took a few weeks, but it worked. Also, it did get to the point where I would let her cry a little, instead of running in her room at every peep. Sometimes she wasn't hungry, just woke up and wanted to play. By letting her cry a little, it helped both of us because I knew when she was really hungry or when she just wanted to be held. Try keeping things very dark at night & bright during the day. I wish there was a magic trick to work immediately but it takes time. I hope someday you can get the sleep you need :-)

    1. Of course I remember you! Are we not Facebook friends?!? Thanks for the advice. We are trying a few different things this week. I think I was keeping them up too late waiting for their daddy to get home. : / We've started an earlier bedtime and they've already napped and slept better. Going to search for you like a crazy stalker on FB. : )


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