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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

puppy love

This past weekend this little guy married this sweet girl.
Darren and Karen
Photo by Jenna Fahlen

And I still can't really believe it because that's my BABY brother. The one who I used to dress up in dance costumes, who had the deepest voice you've ever heard come out of a four year old, who loved any and all activities where one could get seriously injured and/or die...

But he met his perfect match and, I kid you not, I seriously believe they were made just for each other. (I mean, I don't know too many other girls that would go long boarding with a goofy guy called 'Bucky' wearing an inordinate amount orange.) She's just great and I'm blessed to get to have her as a sister-in-law. I first met Karen at my wedding a little over a year ago. She was minutes off a plane from South Africa and still made it to the wedding on zero sleep. And she helped clean up...and wasn't overwhelmed at all by my crazy family. Not gonna lie, I sometimes even require a full nights sleep to take on the craziness that is the McLean family.
What a good sport, right?

This summer Bucky's been staying with us and I've gotten to know Karen a little bit better. She is one of the most helpful people on the planet and in the short times she visited she got A LOT done for this pregnant chicken. While her fiancé was composing music for FSU film students...
Howie is a good music composition helper.

Karen was doing this... (Not like she had a wedding or anything to plan...ha)...

She helped Paul take the bed out of one guest bedroom and move the other bed from the other guest room to make room for a crib or two.
Since I'm pretty much useless pregnant...P-dubs and Karen did a lot of bonding activities together.
Karen painted the whole nursery for me and added the damask pattern on one of the walls. I love it. If I had a million bucks I would have paid her at least that much for all the work she did in that room.
Howie is also a good painter.

A little nursery sneak peek courtesy of the wicked talented Karen Cleary McLean.

She gave Howie a haircut and a bath which is not an easy feat.

Howie is saying thank you for saving us 40 bones.

This husband and this dog...why my life is downright hilarious sometimes.
Along with these thrilling activities, she did the dishes more times than I can count, went on errands with me, and cleaned Bucky's bathroom every time she came.

I can't wait to share pictures of their special day because 1) they are extemely good-looking, 2) as you can tell from the nursery, she is wicked creative and the day was filled with all sorts of cute and adorable details, and 3) I look ridiculous as a pregnant bridesmaid. Yes, I was 'that bridesmaid' who had to have a different dress and be all pregnant and difficult. But, Karen didn't even mind. Ugh, I just love her.
Just WAIT to see pictures not taken on an iPhone...

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