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Thursday, April 19, 2012

rice cereal

We're not sure how we feel about it around here. 

Apparently, there's much debate about the 'rules' for introducing food. I want to do bananas but P-dubs says that will make them want only sweet things. {When did he become such an expert?! I know, I was wondering the same thing. I guess someone at work told him that.} I read somewhere that a lot of cultures start out with bananas and their children are actually less picky. Our pediatrician said we could introduce whatever in any order we wanted and that there's no proven need to follow the 'rules' anymore. Whatever we go with, I hope we get more of a reaction than we did out of the rice cereal. {Which was none at all.}

1 comment:

  1. We started with banana...Zack hated it, then it became his favorite food. He was a great eater (adult portions of lasagna good) and now all of a sudden he only eats like 4 things...lasagna being NONE of those four. Good luck with food! My goal each day is to not stress about what he eats and what he doesn't because I am so paranoid about creating food issues. The girls are adorable...Life is WONDERFUL!


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