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Thursday, June 7, 2012

thursday things

1. My seven month old 'liked' a picture on Facebook without my knowledge. It must have been at some point while she was trying to eat said phone. And it was a nice picture--only it was of a guy I haven't talked to or seen in years and barely even knew in real life so 'random' would be an understatement of the 'liking' of his picture. I didn't know I 'liked' it until hours later when Paul was on his phone and said, 'You liked so and so's picture? Why?' Horrified, I grabbed his phone to see that this was a true story. To make matters worse I was the only person who had 'liked' it. I thought about un-liking it but Paul thought that would make it seem even weirder. So I didn't. 

2. I pulled up next to a Transformer today. It made me feel really safe. And also made the Malibu seem really lame. 
3. Everyone loves a good Groupon, right? We tend to only buy them if food is involved. You see where our priorities lie. But today's caught my eye. It was 62% off of Coach sunglasses which made the new, super-low price $69. I don't know about you but that just doesn't seem like a good deal to me. I drop/sit on/spill/lose/fall down/trip over way too many things to spend that kind of money on sunglasses. If you are the type of person who can buy a nice pair and know where they are and keep them intact all summer, I'm utterly impressed by you. I'm the opposite of that person so I buy the $5 pair at Marshall's. Then when I lose and/or break 3 pairs over the course of the summer, P-dubs is only out 15 bucks.
4. We finally busted out the 'big kid' seats for the bombdotcom stroller. The girls were so thrilled they fell asleep.

5. I'm going to attempt to make this pizza crust. If it takes 18 hours it's gotta be good. 

6. When I go to Walmart, I always park in the very last row at the edge of the grocery side of the store. Otherwise, I would wander aimlessly trying to remember where I parked and I just don't have time for that, ya know? 

7. Numbers 3 and 6 may make me seem a little scatterbrained. But I swear it's leftover pregnancy brain. I had two babies which made it twice as bad. 

1 comment:

  1. I can definitely testify to the fabulousness that is that pizza crust. When I first saw it in the issue of Bon Appetit yes, my eyes did in fact pop out of my head. I have been trying to perfect pizza crust for years and have never even made one that I would serve to anyone else. This one however, is pretty amazing. Try it! It also freezes well if you are like me and make a whole recipe before realizing it makes six pizzas worth. Whoops.

    I do that parking thing at Target.


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