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Thursday, June 7, 2012

what i ate wednesday


Do y'all need the recipe for that? It can be tricky. {At least it used to be for me. I wish I was lying.

We have been BUSY around here and I have had many nights/mornings off to be just me. {I've loved these breaks and am so thankful for a husband who can handle two babies without batting an eye but sometimes I miss the girls after I put them to bed at night so hours away from them was...traumatic. Not to be confused with 'dramatic,' which is what P-dubs says I am.} Saturday night after we went to the lake, I met up with Warner for her birthday dinner while P-dubs flew solo with the girls. And we all survived. 

Sunday I had dinner plans with some Taylor girls in honor of Julia, one of my original Charlotte roommates, who is a crazy adventurer and will be traveling to 11 different countries in the next 11 months. I'm sad she's leaving. And, also, I'm a little jealous. I honestly can't remember one thing about Monday. 

On Tuesday my sister watched the girls while I helped prep materials for our church's VBS. Meaning, I got to cut things out, glue things, brad-fastener things, and chat with adults while drinking coffee. My teacher heart was happy. 

Today I brought a new friend some breakfast to visit with her and meet her 12 day old twin baby boys. When you have twins, suddenly every other person and their brother is having twins. I'm so glad I met her. We spent the morning cuddling babies and discussing all things multiples and nursing and deliveries and nursing and twin personalities and nursing. Being with those tiny boys brought me right back to those early days with the girls where making sure they were eating and gaining weight was the obsession. As opposed to now where sleep patterns are the obsession. At the time I didn't think it was so hard but looking Things just keep getting easier and, honestly, more fun. After relieving my sister of baby duty (she's pretty much a rockstar aunt, by the way), the girls and I headed into school where I was determined to get a few 'things done.' Which means, for the second time in the past few weeks, I stood in the middle of my old classroom looking at all the things I need to pack up and move, got overwhelmed, and went to find someone to chat with. So really I got nothing done. Except I did go to a co-workers baby shower after school was out. Until the girls reminded me a little too loudly that it was dinner time. And, wouldn't you know, zucchini was a huge hit with them. I never would have guessed. It was such a success that they needed a bath immediately after, which takes me awhile when I'm by myself. All that to say, I didn't start cooking until 9:00. Spaghetti it is.

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