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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

packing up

Why are my children being contained in a circa 1991 play pen? While playing with a Fisher Price ring toy that's even older than that? Because we're in NEW HAMPSHIRE packing up my mom to move her down to Charlotte. And wouldn't you know she saved such things in case her grandkids came to visit some day? Craziness. I never thought my mom would leave NH. I guess the lure of two babies was just too much for her grandma heart. I don't blame her and we're unbelievably excited to have her and my grandma closer. But in order to get them there my sister and I need to help her pack up a house with 25 years and four kids worth of stuff. Which is really hard because 'you never know when you might want that first paper from kindergarten that Mrs. Wills put a smiley face on.' 

So far Dionne and I have packed up our childhood rooms. During which time these things may have been said {mostly by Dionne}. 
  • 'I'm just getting rid of everything. Except maybe my Elvis stuff, Mary-Kate and Ashley stuff, and my 'N Sync dolls.' Dionne was a hardcore teeny bopper.
  • Me: 'Oh my word. Throw that away.' Dionne: 'What?? No way. Cheer hair is expensive!' {I had no idea this girl owned cheer hair. Must have been when I was at college.}
  • 'Nice crown.'
  • 'Wait, You mean you don't want the cows from Indonesia?!'


  1. Ahhh I wish I could come visit you while you're up here! But even as you're so close you're still too far away :( darn.. Hope the packing goes well!!

  2. “A house with 25 years and four kids worth of stuff”—Woah. That’s quite a long time! One good point to consider in packing up and moving out is determining the stuff that you still need and the ones that you don’t. That way, you’ll have less to unpack, and you’ll be able to make room for more new stuff. :D

    Ericka Muldowney


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