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Thursday, March 7, 2013

the days

Oh, babies...
I've heard people say how, being home with little ones, the days are long but the years are short. And that might be true. Some days are loooong and routine and nothing special and 'what am I contributing to society?! Oh, that's right, I'm raising people' that are suddenly over a year old. But, really, one of the things I love about being a mom is that almost every moment is memorable in some way or another. The days may seem routine now but they are filled with moments that are worth remembering. Moments I feel blessed to witness and capture and treasure. 

How you insist on including your monkey in every activity you do--eating, sleeping, 'vacuuming,' jumping. And how I had to hide him today to wash with your sheets. Because sleeping with a cheese covered monkey is gross

How you can climb in and out of chairs that are just your size...over and over and over again. Never gets old. 

How you said 'Elmo' plain as day today when you saw your Elmo toy in the toy box. But then when I asked you what you said, you answered, 'Dadadada dog da-guy da-gum daaaaaa.' 

How your favorite word is 'Whoa.' Coffee grinder turns on? Whoa. Fed Ex guy rings the door bell? Whoa. You 'drop' your spoon? Whoa. You find your belly button? Whooooooaaa

How you love to stir things all day long. 

How you thought you were going to eat all those blueberries. {Sorry, I don't think so.}

How you make an elephant noise and reach your one little arm way up in the air. 

How you were humming with me on our walk. How you were screaming for no reason later on our walk. 

How you napped at the same time today. {I need to remember this because I may not see that happen again for a few months or ever.} 

How you 'help' unload the dishwasher. And how you then reloaded it with our Girl Scout cookies. 

How I gave you plain Greek yogurt to dip your quesadilla strips in but you decided that's all you really wanted and then went to town on it. 

How you you have a whole, big bathtub but always end up smushed together in one end of it. 

How tomorrow will be the same. Breakfast, chores, chatter, lunch, naps {or maybe not. You know, whatever...}, tears, laughs, dinner, baths. It will be the same. But it will be nothing like today. 

1 comment:

  1. i'm so envious of your day. it sounded wonderful! you are so blessed. :)


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