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Thursday, September 26, 2013


Yesterday was one of those days where everything comes into focus for a minute and you're like, 'Holy cow. I'm having another baby. For real.' Which I've known all along. I'm having another baby. And she's real. But sometimes I'm so busy with CG and Lola that it's easy to be somewhat inattentive to that fact. I've heard from a lot of moms that the second pregnancy is different that way. You don't have as much time or energy to dwell on your pregnancy. You already know what you should and shouldn't eat. What you should and shouldn't do. How your dreams will be crazy. It's not that you are any less excited. It's just different. I remember looking up a bunch of things during my pregnancy with the girls. As of right now I've Googled zero things about this pregnancy. {Baby #3, it's not that I love you less. It's just that I know you're ok and that the world won't come crashing down on you if I have one cup of coffee or take a Tums when I really need it. Also, thank you for the heartburn.} We love this girl fiercely for sure but yesterday was one of those days that reminded me just how exciting this is and how blessed we are. 

First of all, we got to see this sweet face. Sorry if you think 3-D ultrasounds are creepy. They are. I agree. You should see some of the other ones. Yikes. But this one really does look like a baby. And I love this face.  We swear we see a little Logan in her. Yes?
And then I picked up three, three Carolina Panthers bows from Ms. Beth, my trusty bow supplier. When I texted her about making some Panthers bows and she asked how many I wanted I was like, 'Umm. Two.' But then, wait. Three. I need three. Because she'll be here and they'll still be playing football. And the Minor girls need to show a united front concerning their team support. 
Then there's this. A 28 week belly that's feeling bigger than that to me. At our appointment yesterday the doctor estimated that she's measuring about two weeks ahead and that, if she continues growing at the rate she is growing, we'll have a 'bigger than average' baby. Now that would be something after our tiny twins. She could be twice as big as Lola was when she was born. {While P-dubs would like to blame my appetite for this possibly large child, I would like to thank the Minor side of the family. I'm pretty sure his brother weighed around 10 pounds at birth. It's good to know that my womb has comfortably (ha!) held a cumulative 11 pounds in the past. I'm ready.}
I also stumbled across these tiny clothes we bought for her a couple weekends ago. Yeah, she has way too many hand-me-downs coming her way. {Alas, her lot in life for the next 10-15 years.} Yeah, she won't ever know the difference. But I wanted to get a few things that will be just hers. 
So, we're having another baby girl. For real. But don't ask me about a nursery or a name quite yet. Unless you have a nursery theme ready for me and are also willing to come by with a paint roller and some curtains. Or you have the best name ever to recommend but won't be the slightest bit offended when I do, in fact, steal that idea. I'm thinking though, that we may just have to wait to meet her. Second pregnancy, ya know, we're just living on the edge. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

turning thirty is like...

Yesterday, I turned thirty. The big three-oh.

Here is what my dear friend's students had to tell me about turning thirty. {Disclaimer from Megan before she read these to me: I taught this lesson on metaphors and similes really fast and it may or may not have made sense to them. Mostly it did not. But this teacher heart loves them anyway.}

'Turning 30 is like get[ting] married to a cool boy.' 
'Turning thirty is cool as ice because your middle aged freedom begins!' {Hold up. MIDDLE AGED?!? And I would love to know of this freedom of which this child speaks...}
'Turning 30 is like having a new life. It makes you look older. And you are more into makeup and jewelry.' {Please, please let that last part be true for my husband's sake.}

There was also one that said turning thirty was like 'minecraft with flying and stuff.' But I have no clue what that is. I must be really old. Like thirty or something. 

But now that I  have actually turned thirty what is it really like? 

Turning thirty is like flicking the lights on in a mountain cabin only to be greeted by a whisper-yelled 'Suprise!' from both sides of the family plus some of your closest friends. One of which you hadn't seen in a year. Tears. 

Turning thirty is like cool mountain breezes, coffee on the porch, and babies running wild in socks (a novelty they did not remember from last winter).
Turning thirty is like watching women who stood with you at your wedding love on your babies in a way only best friends can. 
Turning thirty is like having cake and ice cream and then hot chocolate. With whipped cream. Because you're thirty and who cares about cellulite. It's almost expected now, right? {And, in the spirit of full disclosure, I've had cellulite since I was like 18 months old so who cares, yeah?} And just pass the candy corn this way, too, why don't ya. 

Turning thirty is like you're supposed to be having this midlife crisis but you're not. Because you're surrounded by friends and family and you've lived tons, traveled lots, loved more, and plan on doing even more of all of that. 

Turning thirty is like staying up too late talking. And then staying up too late the next night watching Newsies. Seize the day. 

Turning thirty is like chasing bubbles on a porch. Or at least trying to. {Something was up with our bubble mixture.}
Turning thirty is like eating way too many pancakes and then walking it off a bit. Or just making someone else do all the walking. 
Turning thirty is like you know you're thirty but really it doesn't feel any different than 29 or 28. People say thirty is the new 25 anyway (which I will forever be in my head for some reason?) and it's like minecraft (?!?). So, therefore, thirty is completely rad.  Obviously

Turning thirty is like balloons and wooden bear carvings. Awesome. 
Turning thirty is like having two sweet baby girls and another on the way. Content in a way you never knew possible. 

But, mostly, turning thirty is like getting married to a cool boy. Who plans an amazing weekend for you. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

happy birthday, sister

  My baby sister turned 27 today. She's pretty much an MVP in our little family. Her name is technically Dionne but we just call her Auntie Noney around here. {Our little brother couldn't say Dionne and said Non instead which led to Noney Baloney to, now, Auntie Noney. And there ya have it. The evolution of a strange nickname.} In honor if this special day, September 16, here are a couple reasons we love her so much. 

1. This girl dons a bathing suit once a week to go to swimming lessons with me and the girls. I don't know about you, but there are not that many people/reasons I would do that on a weekly basis. She just loves those girls that much. 

2. She grew up in the woods, playing in creeks and hunting crayfish...yet now she can barely walk through grass barefoot without claiming she's allergic and get me inside now because I think something might be crawling on me. So entertaining. I guess you can, in fact, take the country out of the girl. Who'd a thought. 

3.  She documents my kids' lives better than I do. If you ever, for any reason, feel the need to see more of those two rascals, just check out her Instagram or Facebook. It's a little ridiculous. In a good way. 

4. This. 

Enough said.

5. She feeds our crew at least once a week. Sometimes we're invited. Most of the time it's because I text her something like, ' just curious...what are you cooking for dinner tonight?' And then she says something like, 'Rotini and hotdogs/foil chicken/mango shrimp. We have plenty! Come over!!' 

Don't mind if we do

6. Her nails are always. always. painted. When you check out her Instagram to see the pictures of C and L that I'm not taking, you will also see some pretty snazzy nails that are almost always showcased holding some sort of coffee beverage. I aspire to paint my nails like her. Someday. Not even everyday. Just someday.

7. She's the ultimate cruise director. She comes by it honestly, a skill inherited from my Aunt Lou. She keeps functions and gatherings on task and moving. And I will say, this girl is a little feisty. If you're ever at a Minor/McLean function, she may seem a little...intense at some moments. But that's because the rest of us are the complete opposite of intense and kind of annoying when we're all together. We need her. Without her bossiness leadership skills weddings wouldn't happen, birthday cakes would be skipped over at parties, and sleeping arrangements on trips would never be hashed out and we'd all just never go to bed because we wouldn't decide who should go where. Utter disaster without this chick, I'm telling you. 

8. She married well. Couldn't dream of a better, more patient uncle for these girls. 
Much appreciated

9. This girl is talented. She can fix almost any technological problem you may be having, she makes amazingly cute prints, and she's a DIY queen. Among her many skills is her ability to employ a number of apps and filters to make any picture look amazing. At one point this weekend, Warner, horrified at a picture taken when she just woke up told Dionne, ' You better Instagram that one A LOT.''

10. She's the most selfless, loving sister and aunt. I quite literally would not have survived these first two years as a mom of twins without her. She knows my girls as well as I do and loves them like they're her own. Our family is beyond blessed to have her. I just don't even have the words. 

So, Noney, here's to being 27 and maybe giving me a niece or nephew this year. Yes? Please? Pretty please?!? Happy, happy birthday!!! 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

tybee island part two: the beach!

It looks like fall is the new summer for this little posse. We are traveling a bunch in the next two months but before I get to those things I have to, just have to, finish a couple summer posts. (I don't know why I feel that I have to. Maybe it's my type A-ish personality or my fear of never keeping track of these things at all. Which is pretty much the opposite of a type A person. Which makes me wonder if I am, in fact, type A. I'm certainly really nothing else...) Anyways. We made it to the beach one day when we were with Paul's family. So I took enough pictures to pretend we were on the beach everyday. In the same swimsuits. Enjoy. Because what's not to enjoy about splashing (Lolly) and intense, determined sea gull chasing (CG)? 

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