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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

happy new year

happy new year! 

This picture is actually a ghost of New Years past, when the girls were new to us and we lived in our tiny townhouse. If there had been a picture taken of our toasting glasses this year, it would have been a blur of Paul and my sister spinning around the kitchen, pulling dusty glasses out of the cabinet, and trying to open a bottle of sparkling apple cider as the countdown read 40 seconds on the TV.  We had a few friends over and we had sat around for hours watching football and discussing how we were getting so old because we might not even make it to midnight. {Last year P-dubs and I definitely did NOT. I was asleep way before midnight.} And then, all of the sudden it was 40 seconds to the new year and, wouldn't you know, we weren't ready for it. Due to some slight difficulty opening the sparkling cider bottle (that foil!!! Geez...) we actually paused the ball drop until we were ready. Yes, we paused time. It was great. 

All that to of my goals this year is to update this blog a little more frequently. {Seeing as it's almost a third of the way through January, it's safe to say I already fell off the blogging bandwagon on that one.} Last year, around this time, I think I actually said that maybe 2013 would be the year I'd settle down and catch up and breathe and maybe finally hang some pictures on the wall. Instead,I got pregnant and morning sick and took a bunch of trips and entertained two hilarious little girls. And had one of the best years of my life. Plus, bonus, P-dubs did hang a bunch of pictures. 

I don't think 2014 will be the year for me to settle down or catch up or breathe (or sleep much, for that matter). But I'm pretty sure it will be full of love and giggles, a few tantrums and lots of baby firsts. And I can't wait.  I'm so glad that I documented a lot of the girls' first two years and now with this newbie here, I feel like it's even more important for my foggy, tired, mama mind to remember. So, to anyone who has hung in there with us and cares to read about our simple, crazy life (looking at you, mom) I'll have some painfully, painfully late updates posted sometime soon. But maybe not that soon. Happy New Year! 

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